但有一句话the process is extremely difficult and can result in disaster (such as permanent half-human, half-animal mutations) if done incorrectly. (就是说这过程超级复杂,如果没搞好,可能永远会维持一半儿动物一半儿人),所以,animagus更倾向于是一种状态,而不是一个单纯的魔法。因此推测可能不会因为死亡变成人形吧(应该不会像西游记里那些妖怪似的,一死就原形毕露,因为存在永远变不回来的可能),可以理解为本文暂时这么设定好了(建立在一定基础上)。
part of the process by which one becomes an animagus is holding the leaf of a mandrake in their mouth for an entire month, using the leaf for the creation of a potion, reciting an incantation (amato animo animato animagus) on a daily basis, and drinking the animagus potion during a lightning storm. once the initial training is over, an animagus can change at will, with or without a wand.
according to w.o.m.b.a.t., an animagus transformation is two of the following: a kind of self-transfiguration, a kind of self-charm, or a kind of magic that is neither transfiguration nor charm. you are asked to pick the statement that is incorrect. this would mean animagus transformation is either a kind of self-tranfiguration but not actually a transfiguration or charm, a kind of self-charm but not actually a transfiguration or charm, or a kind of self-transfiguration and charm.
applying college-level logic on this, it would be possible for the animagus transformation to be both a self-charm and a self-transfiguration because if either the self-transfiguration or the self-charm statements were wrong, you would have been left with two conflicting statements, one that affirms the status of this and one that specifically denies the affirmation.