被他的笑声蛊惑,池漾大脑当机了一下,还没来得及回答,对方就已经自顾自的低声哼唱:“My whole world changed,from the moment I met you,and it would never be the same,felt like I knew that I'd always loved you,from the moment I heard your name,everything was perfect,I knew this love was worth it,our own miracle in the making,until this world stops turning,I'll still be here waiting and waiting,to make that vow that I'll,I'll be by your side till the day I die……”
是英国某个乐队演唱的情歌,池漾有幸听过,其中最让她有所触动的就是那句“I'll be by your side till the day I die”,翻译过来大概就是“我将陪伴着你 至死方休”的意思。